We provide free domain redirection services with all of the domains on your CanHost profile.
If you feel at all overwhelmed, please open a support ticket, send us a live chat, or give us a call! One of our client service technicians will be happy to complete the request for you.

Domain Redirection is used to funnel visitors from one location to another, often as a means to secure your brand or online identity. For example, can-host.ca has a domain forwarder set up to redirect traffic to canhost.ca.

To set up domain forwarding through your CanHost profile,

1. Login to the Client Area of canhost.ca

2. Along the top of your view, there will be 4 buttons, Services, Domains, Tickets, and Invoices. Click on Domains.

3. Here in My Domains, you will see all of your domains listed; note that domain forwarding is set up separately for each domain. Click on the red wrench on the right to manage a specific domain.

4. Along the left side of the screen, we see 3 different categories: Manage, Domain Management, and Actions. Click on Domain Forwarders, under Domain Management.

5. From this page you can add new forwarders, or delete old ones.

-Add New Forwarder-
Type: Permanent, or Temporary
(URL): http://www. (your domain name) / (any sub-directories)
Redirect To: (insert domain name to receive redirection)
'www.' Redirection: Only redirect with 'www.', Redirect with or without 'www.', or Do not redirect 'www.'
Wild Card Redirect: Y/N (yes/no)

In our first example with can-host.ca and canhost.ca,
Type: Permanent
URL: can-host.ca
Redirect To: canhost.ca
If you want to set it up as a catch-all redirect, opt for Redirect with or without 'www.'.
Wild Card Redirect: N

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