How to Login to your CanHost Syncrify Account

Server URL:

If you have not yet completed the installation of your Syncrify Backup Client, be sure to check out the installation guide first.

  1. Windows
    1. Locate and Open your Backup Client program that you downloaded in the installation guide.
      • The default file location is:
        C:\Program Files\CanHostSyncrify\BackupClient.exe
      • To open it quickly, open the Start Menu (Windows key), type backup, and select Backup Client from the recommended list.

    2. On opening, it will take you to the Connection Parameters page. This is where we can login, and specify where are backups will go Remote Server URL.

    3. There are three fields that need entries to enable backups:
      • Remote Server URL -
      • Login Email - Your Syncrify account email that you specified on the order page.
      • Login Password - Your Syncrify account password that you specified on the order page.

    4. Press Save under the Login Password field to Login! On success, you will see green checkmarks next to your username and password

  2. MacOS
    1. At the end of the installation process, your Backup Client program will be located in your Applications folder. (double check that it is no longer in your Downloads folder!)
      • Double-click on it to launch!

    2. *IMPORTANT* : to configure the Mac Client correctly, it is required to first create a new profile. This starts in the top-left of your window, File > Add Profile.
      • The Profile Name is up to you!

    3. The Login process for Mac is otherwise the same as with Windows, where you must specify:
      • Remote Server URL -
      • Login Email - Your Syncrify account email that you specified on the order page.
      • Login Password - Your Syncrify account password that you specified on the order page.

    4. Press Save under the Login Password field to login! On success, you will see green checkmarks next to your username and password.

  3. Linux
    Synametrics made reference material on the commands available, as well as profile creation and preferred methods.
    1. Once we have installed and extracted the Backup Client program, three files will be present in the directory of installation:
      • SyncrifyClient.cmd
      • SyncrifyClient.jar

    2. You will need to create a new profile to both verify your login credentials, and to assign the folders that you will back up.
      • java -jar SyncrifyClient.jar -console -createProfile
      • Once you have selected your profile defaults, and suppose your Profile Name is MyBackup, the run command for your backup will be:

        java -jar SyncrifyClient.jar MyBackup.syncrify
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