Visualizando artigos com TAG 'Domain'
Create Domain Forwarding (URL Redirection)
We provide free domain redirection services with all of the domains on your CanHost profile.If...
Create Email Forwarders and/or Email Domain Forwarders
Email redirection services are included with all domains managed through your CanHost profile. If...
How do I Manage a Specific Domain?
Our very first step is to get to the Manage Specific Domain section, and so we need to log in to...
How Do I Manage my DNS?
To update your DNS records, first navigate to your Client Area by logging in to
How do I Set up Domain Auto-Renewal?
To set up domain auto-renewal, you will first need to navigate to the DNS menu within your...
How do I Update .ca Privacy Settings?
If you wish to change the privacy settings for any of the contacts for your .ca domains, please...
Transfer Domain Registration to CanHost with EPP Code
To transfer your domain to your CanHost account from another Registrar, you'll need the EPP code...